General Policy Overview

We reserve the right to reject any content at our discretion if we feel it compromises the quality of our network or the users experience.
Written by my6sense
Updated 1 year ago

Prohibited Content, Products & Services

You must not promote:

  • anything that is offensive, menacing or inappropriate
  • content that promotes dangerous behavior
  • anything that promotes scams, illegal activity or false promises

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Restricted Content, Products, and Services

All campaign must comply with the restricted content, products and services guidelines. Additionally, every campaign must comply with all the relevant laws in the region that you are advertising.

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Prohibited Campaign Practices

Your campaign cannot:

  • promote a product or service that is illegal
  • violate the rights of any third-party user
  • violate any laws
  • directly capture any personally identifiable information without consent
  • target children under the age of 13

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Landing Page Policies

Your landing paged must:

  • be grammatically correct
  • be in the right language for the intended market
  • comply with our third-party advertisement policies below
  • provide a positive experience for the user; the right image resolution, no missing content or broken links.

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Creatives & Branding Text Policies

All titles should be accurate and correspond with the content of the landing page.

All creatives should be high quality, in the right size and accurately represent the content of the corresponding landing page.

Branding text must accurately reflect the source of the content.

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Other Third-Party Policies

All third-party advertisements on your landing page must comply with our advertising policies, disclose that they are advertisements and any content or sponsored links by a third party must be clearly labelled as sponsored.

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